If you choose to give up your spot on the retreat, you are eligible to get a 50% refund on payments made (excluding the deposit) up to 30 days before the retreat start date. After that point, there will be no refunds given. The initial deposit is non-refundable. In case of an emergency, we will do our best to work out a solution. You can transfer your spot on the retreat to a friend with at least one week’s notice before the retreat start date. If a guest leaves during the retreat, there will be no refund.


Please ensure that your passport is valid (and does not expire soon after the retreat, check your local authorities for travel guidelines). We recommend that you purchase Travel Insurance. We can help with further info about airport transfers. Make sure that you are aware of immigration/visa laws. The organizers are not liable for any illness, delay or cost resulting from your failure to meet these requirements.


By registering for this retreat, you voluntarily understand and accept the following terms and conditions as set out below: I am aware that participating in the retreat requires a certain level of fitness and general physical health. I acknowledge and voluntarily assume my responsibility to assess my level of fitness and the risks of injury that are associated with physical activity of any kind including any variety of yoga, pilates or barre. I confirm that I shall retain all control over my activities at all times. I voluntarily assume full liability and accept the risk of harm, including physical injury and discomfort as a result of my participation in the activities in this retreat. I will inform the teachers and/or assistants of any limitations or medical conditions that may affect my practice.

I, or anyone who could claim in my name or on my behalf, my heirs and legal representatives, do hereby voluntarily waive, release and forever discharge the organisers, from any and all liabilities for injuries, damages or death resulting from my participation in the activities during the course of this retreat as outlined in the retreat schedule or any activities outside of the retreat and resort facility, and hold them harmless from all claims which may be brought against them for any such injuries or claims as aforesaid and all costs and expenses incidental thereto. 

I agree that organisers reserve the right to accept or kindly decline the application of a participant at any time, to make changes in the itinerary whenever reputed necessary for the comfort, convenience, and safety to all participants. In the case that the event is cancelled or postponed organisers shall have no responsibility beyond the refund of money or expenses paid by the participant if the event cannot be re-scheduled.

I agree that organisers shall not be liable for any cost or expenses for any delay, change in schedule including ““ but not limited to ““ delays, missed flights, failure to comply with visa or health requirements of the city, re-scheduling, and/ or cancellations or overbooking of flights, loss, damage, or injury to property or persons including death, or expenses occasioned by any act of omission by any supplier providing services to any programme participant.

I understand that photos and video may be utilized for communications efforts. To that end, I hereby grant the organizer permission to record the name, likeness, voice, image and/or appearance on the above referenced date or dates of me and to use and publish the pictures, video and digital images and the like without compensation, and I waive any right to inspect or to approve any project that may be created using these materials.